Media and Publications


Cocoa catalog of Peru

Cocoa catalog of Peru

The main objective of this catalog is to publicize the great diversity of cocoa that exists in Peru to promote both its use and conservation. The first chapter shows that most of the different traditional cultivars and wild genetic groups have a geographical coherence...



Clima-LoCa, 2023

In this Newsletter you will find:

  • A team that cultivates innovations on traditional cocoa-growing land.
  • From the great green war to cocoa peace.
  • They say of Clima-LoCa.
  • Soil Health Assessment Training.
  • How do we work?

Read the full Newsletter here


Clima-LoCa, 2022

In this issue we would like to show you what 2022 has been like for the Clima-LoCa project. 

  • Major milestones in 2022.
  • Publications from the #cacaoteca.
  • Cacao stories.
  • Clima-LoCa year in pictures.

Read the full Newsletter here


Clima-LoCa, 2022

In this Newsletter you will find:

  • Viewing the project from the outside.
  • Clima-LoCa Journeys: sampling cocoa crops in Colombia.
  • Messages Clima-LoCa.
  • Publications.
  • Did you know that…?

Read the full Newsletter here


From the Great Green War to Cocoa Peace

Carolay Perea & Andrés Camilo Charry,  Mar 29, 2023: 
In one of our visits to the great region of Western Boyacense, together with other fellow researchers of the Clima-LoCa project, I had the fortune to hear from the mouth of former emerald guaqueros of that golden age in production, but gray by the conflict lived, survivors of the war and today proud cocoa growers.

12Tree is proud to be a partner of the CIAT initiative “CLIMA-LoCa”

12tree, November 10, 2020
The CIAT project CLIMA LoCa stands for fostering Climate-relevant and Low Cadmium innovations as well as research to enhance the inclusiveness of growing cocoa sectors in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Regional research project seeks to promote the development of cacao to continue competing in the European market

Alliance Bioversity CIAT,  Feb 28, 2020
The Latin American and Caribbean region (LAC) is the main producer of fine flavor cacao in the world. The contribution of LAC to the global production of cacao, currently 17%…

Knowledge sharing and co-creation, a key factor for achieving the expected results of the Clima-LoCa project”: Mirjam Pulleman

Alliance Bioversity CIAT,  Ago 31, 2021: 
Something that characterizes the Clima-LoCa project is that it involves diverse stakeholders such as producers, cocoa companies, and scientists…

Scientific talks

Clima-LoCa, proyecto que busca impulsar el desarrollo del cacao en el mercado europeo

Youtube: Inocuidad del chocolate y sus implicaciones…

Cadmium in cocoa, regulations and implications – Interview with Erik Smolders, KU Leuven.

The Clima-LoCa Project goals– Interview with Rachel Atkinson and Mirjam Pulleman, Alliance Bioversity International-CIAT

Social media