Cocoa Genetics
There is an urgent demand for robust and cost-effective solutions to reduce bean cadmium content via changes in production systems, such as the use of low cadmium accumulating cultivars or rootstock.
Clima-LoCa evaluates in the field, commercial clones for their ability to accumulate cadmium in the beans. These commercial clones, as well as promising clones, are under validation for future release to farmers.
Also, Heavy metals influence water delivery to the shoot of plants, which can lead to decrease cocoa production and this effect may become more prominent under climate change. Therefore, it’s necessary to obtain scientist information to analyze the vulnerability of the cacao plant to cadmium with respect to water deficit.
Is important to determine the viability of the propagation of promising genotypes under the conditions of the farmer fields, involving the participation of the farmer associations of each country.
For this reason, the genetic component focuses on:

Act 1.2
Survey and assessment of commercial clones for level of cadmium in cocoa beans

Act 2.2
Identify and test promising cocoa genotypes for low cadmium accumulation and drought tolerance and study underlying interactions, mechanisms

Act 3.2
Pilot budding techniques to reduce cadmium accumulation in cocoa beans on smallholder farms