Clima-LoCa Project
Fostering low cadmium and climate-relevant innovations to enhance the resilience and inclusiveness of the growing cocoa sectors in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Clima-LoCa is a regional project led by the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, implemented with research partners from Latin America and Europe, and funded by the European Commission. The project contributes to the objectives of the 2018 call for “Climate-Relevant Innovation through Research in Agriculture” of the EC-led platform DeSIRA (Development-smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture), based on the ambition to improve research mobilization and innovation capacity contributing to the sustainable development of the cocoa sector.
The project will address important challenges related to the resilience, competitiveness and inclusiveness of the growing cocoa sectors. Here, resilience refers to the capacity of smallholder producers and other value chain actors, to mitigate the negative impacts of new EU food safety regulation on cadmium in cocoa, and of climate change.
The project builds on the premise that agricultural innovations require engagement of diverse end users to co-develop context-relevant production systems and practices based on strong, interdisciplinary science, while creating an enabling environment for their adoption and scaling.
Baselines and impact assessments developed and disseminated to inform public policies and planning in support of low-cadmium and climate smart transformation of the cocoa sectors.
Low cadmium technologies and genotypes identified and evaluated, based on robust scientific assessments in multi-locational research trials.
Low cadmium and climate-smart technologies and scaling strategies Co-developed, and disseminated through multi-stakeholder platforms.
Regional research coordination, data and knowledge sharing enhanced, and scientific (including laboratory) capacity improved.
Final beneficiaries
Organizations working together
Farmers benefited indirectly by the end of the project
Farmers reached through piloting and demonstrations by the end of the project

In collaboration with

Alliance Americas
Address: Km 17 Recta Cali-Palmira CP 763537
Apartado Aéreo 6713, Cali, Colombia